Thursday, October 4, 2007


Leonardo Da Vinci:
an example of single point perspective

Sarah Simblet
Toba Khedori
Arthur Rackham
Giovanni Battista Pirenesi
Giovanni Battista Piranesi:
an example of 2 pt. perspective

lebbeus woods
lebbeus woods
lebbeus woods
lebbeus woods

Claus Oldenberg

Paul Noble:
part of his large-scale series "Nobson Newtown"

Paul Klee

Paul Klee

Eric Satie

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Space, and the exploration of space, is the finest of all psychedelic enterprise. Nasa has wasted trillions in its futile examination of newtonian space, all the aliens we could ever wish for are waiting for us in post newtonian space. awaken from newton's sleep!!!